Isomer's infrastructure
Each Isomer website is actually made up of 2 parts: a staging site and a live site.
- Staging is like an intermediate version of your live website. It’s used to preview content changes and updates without affecting the live website.
- Clicking ‘save’ on IsomerCMS will reflect the changes on your staging site, but not your live site.
- Page previews in IsomerCMS only allow you to preview that particular page. On your staging site, you can click around and navigate across pages like in your live site.
- You can share your staging site link with colleagues or stakeholders to preview new content, without them having to log into IsomerCMS.
- Your live site is publicly accessible to site visitors through your domain.
- A colleague must approve all the changes in staging in order to publish them into your live site. You can do this by Requesting a review on IsomerCMS.
- Note that approval and publishing is for ALL content on your staging site, across all pages. Currently you cannot selectively approve and publish changes for a particular page.