Do I need to know coding to edit my website?
You don’t have to be familiar with HTML or CSS to edit a page on Isomer. Instead, you’ll use a text editor with basic editing features. The text is formatted using markdown, which uses simple symbols and characters to indicate formatting.
The Homepage, Contact Us page, and Navigation bar use a block editing system with modules and blocks, rather than open text. The team is working to make this editing experience available for all pages, so users won’t have to use markdown.
Can I launch a non domain on Isomer?
Yes you can. Please consult your ITD on this.
Can I integrate VICA chatbot?
Yes, you can. Drop us an email to share your code snippet and we’ll configure it for you.
Can I use WOGAA or other analytics?
Yes, we support WOGAA, Google analytics 4(GA4), Facebook Pixel, and LinkedIn Insights.
To learn how to set up WOGAA for your Isomer site, read this guide.
To learn how to set up other analytics, refer to this guide
Does Isomer support Google Tag Manager (GTM)?
No. The use of GTM violates the Content Security Policy (CSP) that we’ve set up to protect your site from SQL Injection or XSS attacks. Isomer would have to loosen our security policy to allow this.
Can I integrate or embed things on pages?
Yes, Isomer whitelists selected services to be embedded on pages using an iframe. View our advanced integrations for a full list
I don’t see a layout or component that I want to use in IsomerCMS. Can you do it for me?
No, the Isomer team does not offer this service. While we understand that some users may have specific design requirements, we do not do custom designs for individual websites.
All our templates and components are implemented after doing thorough research to ensure that they meet good design standards, and are kept accessible.
Why don’t we have carousels?
A carousel is like a slideshow that shows many pictures in one place, where each picture has a button.
Research shows that carousels usually don’t work to convert visitors to do an action. In fact, a study found that people click less after the first picture. If a carousel changes too fast or has too many pictures, it can be hard for people to focus on one thing. It is also not accessible for visitors who use assistive technologies. You can read more about this in this article.
As such, we don’t believe that carousels are the best way to show content to site visitors. We suggest using an infopic section to display information instead.
Can I change the font of my website?
Isomer’s template follows a older version of the SGDS which uses Lato. You currently cannot customise your font.
What are my options if I am unable to use Isomer?
Agencies can consider hosting your website on CWP as part of the CWP bulk tender, or an external provider e.g. AWS Cloudfront. You can also use the Singapore Government Design System for UI components.
In this case, your agency will be responsible for developing, hosting, maintaining the website and ensuring that the website is compliant to the IM8 and DSS, as well as any costs for these services.